A series of casual bags in bubble wrap originally laminated with polyolefin sheet. Pop and functional.


Bubble wrap has been familiar material for everyone. Although it is an ordinal material, it is aesthetically and functionally quite interesting. Beside well-known packing material, now a days it is used even for fashion.
After some trials and errors to get distinctive laminated sheet in this bubble wrap, it was successful with three-layered (PE{EVA{PE) polyolefin sheet of 0.2mm. The tough sheet is attractively soft and wetish to touch. The surface has beautiful reflection of light.
BWB series was realized in this originally laminated sheet. There are three sizes; a small bag for the media such as CD and DVD, a medium bag for the A4 documents, and a large bag for the lap-top PC. The strings and disks to close are taken after the old fashioned envelope to enjoy the retrospective accent on the modern material.

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